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Presenting the New Janet Jarman Website!

As 2015 begins, I am happy and proud to announce the unveiling of my brand new Janet Jarman website!

The process was simultaneously grueling and cathartic, but I now finally have a new vessel, a mothership, where I can better share my photographs, video work and the stories I am passionate about with you.

I would like to thank everyone who has made each story possible, especially those who have trusted me to document their lives. This gift is extremely important to me. 

Were it not for a few other amazing people, this project would have never materialized. Designer Deb Pang Davis (Cococello) and web developer Alex Kendrick (twosixcode) are an amazing team! There is no challenge they cannot handle. Thank you both for your great ideas and professional advice at every juncture.

Many thanks also to Filip Lein and Kati McKoy for your tireless support and patience, and to my three loyal canine friends who stick by my side through every deadline - and to our newest consulting team member Gloria Mayne Davó for your new perspectives.

The new website is optimized with several new functionality features, including combined still photo and multimedia galleries, my new motion reel and testimonials, and direct access to my Photoshelter archive.

I hope you will enjoy the experience of browsing through my new site.

Wishing you the best in 2015,
